So with all the art on the net I have a rough time picking what to talk about so I decided... Why not let Rebecca pick the topic today. Well Rebecca is my American Girl, Canadian Football Playing 8 year old. Funny she would pick American girl.
So here we sat going through the zillions of images on Deviant trying to find something to talk about. We discovered a whole new side to American Girl we never thought we would find.
In many peoples galleries there were not only lovely art (Like above) but tutorials on making clothing, Putting new wigs on the dolls, and cleaning. It is a huge community that sticks together a lot over these dolls. I was so happy to see that. Made me feel better about my daughters own love for these dolls and stories.
So here we are featuring a few of the more amazing artists we have found while looking through all of this.
The piece above was made by http://acaciathorn.deviantart.com/ I am very impressed with it, in fact my daughter has it as a backdrop on her laptop. So that shows just how amazing of a piece we all think it is.
We also discovered http://protectorkorii.deviantart.com/ who makes outfits for these dolls based off of the outfits worn by the Disney Princess'. As someone who makes outfits for my daughter's own doll I know how time consuming designing for this doll can be. More so when you are working with a pattern that is older then yourself to get the base idea. The dresses are simply stunning.
There is also tutorials on Youtube for these dolls. I strongly recommend. http://www.youtube.com/user/stephenswodadancer she not only makes items of clothing and shows you how to make them yourself, she also shows you how to get rid of that old wig on your dolls head, and where to order a new one and how to put it on! Amazingly helpful for parents of little girls who need repairs done.
And for parents not willing to pay major money for the american girl brand for new clothes for the doll check out Etsy.com! Just search American Girl and watch the items appear. A few of my own personal favorites (and possible Yule presents for Rebecca)
Lovely Orange Sweater http://www.etsy.com/listing/82292840/18-inch-doll-clothes-orange-fall-hoodie?ref=sc_1
So many things out there for american girl dolls.
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