Friday, October 21, 2011

Magnetic personality

So recently I started to work on crafts that my daughter could help with and do herself. And this is what I came up with. Each one of these cost me less then 0.05 cents to make and take only a few seconds each! They are half clear marbles, a small magnet and a bit of glue with paper. These are actually made from the information booklets from my daughters DS games! And from scraps of fabric I own for the others. They are really cool and she enjoys playing with them on the fridge now.

I would give a tutorial but really not much to say! White school glue, Half marbles, paper, and a magnet. When the marbles are done and dry you hot glue the magnet on let stand a few seconds and they are ready to use.


Great fun for the whole family and as snow here any child, and child like person, can make them!

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